
My boss is finally trying to drag me into the office for 2 days a week.

They finally got me. They sprung it on me today, 2 days a week in the office, non-negotiable. The commute is awful, near impossible by public transit. They have not offered to offset transportation costs and my car will not hold up to that. I haven’t been paid well enough to make any movement on my debts, or fix my car, wfh is the only thing that made this job doable for me. Well fuck them, I’m filing for a disability accommodation. I’ve documented my disability with them from the beginning and I’ll steamroll them all the same. My doctor even suggested it without my asking, it’s not like it would be a bullshit work around. I really do need space at home to do my job. I’m prepared for them to take a magnifying glass to my performance, but they’d be bluffing if they tried to fire me—I’ve been…

They finally got me. They sprung it on me today, 2 days a week in the office, non-negotiable. The commute is awful, near impossible by public transit. They have not offered to offset transportation costs and my car will not hold up to that. I haven’t been paid well enough to make any movement on my debts, or fix my car, wfh is the only thing that made this job doable for me.

Well fuck them, I’m filing for a disability accommodation. I’ve documented my disability with them from the beginning and I’ll steamroll them all the same. My doctor even suggested it without my asking, it’s not like it would be a bullshit work around. I really do need space at home to do my job. I’m prepared for them to take a magnifying glass to my performance, but they’d be bluffing if they tried to fire me—I’ve been carrying my team’s production numbers for a year. They can’t afford to lose me.

And then you know what? They will probably lose me anyway. I have a second interview for a much better job that will basically launch my career, I’ve been working toward that exact position for three years and it’s time for that investment to pay off. I was grateful to my current company for giving me my start in this industry, and I was looking forward to leaving a job on good terms for once.

But nah, this bridge is about to burn and the fucks I give couldn’t fill an old tin can.

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