
University can’t retain enough staff, so Dean mandates WFH is over

I work for a very influential university in Texas. Just joined this year, after years of applying to various staff positions that were competitive given the good benefits on offer. Thing is, it became known to me soon after joining that this competition for positions isn't at all what it used to be. Folks are leaving left and right, and the team I joined has lost half of its members in my four months here so far. I still feel lucky, since the professor I work for is very supportive and fights for their staff. But prof only has so much power compared to our Dean. Our brand new Dean, who sends emails promoting “a return to normalcy.” Dean has mandated that WFH will end, and now employees “finally get to return to normalcy.” Thing is, everyone is already burnt out even with WFH options. Apparently, adding a daily commute…

I work for a very influential university in Texas. Just joined this year, after years of applying to various staff positions that were competitive given the good benefits on offer. Thing is, it became known to me soon after joining that this competition for positions isn't at all what it used to be. Folks are leaving left and right, and the team I joined has lost half of its members in my four months here so far.

I still feel lucky, since the professor I work for is very supportive and fights for their staff. But prof only has so much power compared to our Dean. Our brand new Dean, who sends emails promoting “a return to normalcy.” Dean has mandated that WFH will end, and now employees “finally get to return to normalcy.” Thing is, everyone is already burnt out even with WFH options. Apparently, adding a daily commute back into everyone's day is a good thing. Apparently having to pay for parking because even employees can't park for free is a good thing. I love my boss and my team, but I'm fucking anxious knowing that this is only gonna drive more people away, making everything slow down, and loading remaining staff with bigger workloads.

My pay and benefits are better than they've ever been, my direct team is great, but this monstrosity of a university is apparently run by the most out of touch suits who have absolutely no idea that basic operations require more than just the occasional catering and casual Friday to work properly. Incredible research projects stymied because Becca in accounting is drowning under a million requests without hired backup. But hey, at least she gets to sit under florescent lights now.

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