
Employer takes 10% of tips for “tax”?

Not 100% sure this is the right sub for this but here goes. So i recently started my first job as a server (in FL), minimum wage + we keep all of our tips (no tip pool or tipping out other people). At the end of the night the MOD puts in our Credit Card tips, adds them up with our cash tips, and then take “10% off the top for taxes” and give us the rest all in cash. Our hourly wages get paid out once a month, and I recently got my first paystub. I guess I thought that 10% would be shown on the paystub or something but it was not and I was told the amount for “tips” on my paystub was only the Credit Card tips and didn’t include cash. Is this right or fishy? How does the IRS or state of FL know that…

Not 100% sure this is the right sub for this but here goes. So i recently started my first job as a server (in FL), minimum wage + we keep all of our tips (no tip pool or tipping out other people). At the end of the night the MOD puts in our Credit Card tips, adds them up with our cash tips, and then take “10% off the top for taxes” and give us the rest all in cash. Our hourly wages get paid out once a month, and I recently got my first paystub. I guess I thought that 10% would be shown on the paystub or something but it was not and I was told the amount for “tips” on my paystub was only the Credit Card tips and didn’t include cash. Is this right or fishy? How does the IRS or state of FL know that they’re already taking that 10% for tax and how are they getting that from the employer? TIA

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