
can I be fired for panic attack?

I'm a server at a fine dining restaurant in New Jersey .This week at work out of nowhere I felt light headed and next thing I know I was covered in and pouring sweat . Before that the night was going fine. My boss found me in the back a sweaty mess having a hard time catch my breath and told me to leave. I told her I thought I was having a panic attack and her response was I can't work there if im having panic attacks. I told her I loved it there and loved my job and she said I'd have to get a note saying I could work without having a panic attack. I drove myself to the hospital and while they given me a note and prescription that should help, I'm not really sure what to do next. Thanks in advance to anyone can help.…

I'm a server at a fine dining restaurant in New Jersey .This week at work out of nowhere I felt light headed and next thing I know I was covered in and pouring sweat . Before that the night was going fine. My boss found me in the back a sweaty mess having a hard time catch my breath and told me to leave. I told her I thought I was having a panic attack and her response was I can't work there if im having panic attacks. I told her I loved it there and loved my job and she said I'd have to get a note saying I could work without having a panic attack. I drove myself to the hospital and while they given me a note and prescription that should help, I'm not really sure what to do next. Thanks in advance to anyone can help. I really love my job and don't know what I'm going to do

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