
I am baffled. Appalled!

So I work at a Tex-mex type restaurant here in south Fort Worth Texas area and I gotta say, I have never witnessed a manager as unprofessional and uncaring as this one. For now we’re gonna call her Miss L and her daughter (a team lead) Miss M. Miss L hired me through Miss M at an interview one day as they were in dire need of more employees being that the assistant manager and a few other employees were to leave for their personal reasons. During that interview I felt as things ran smooth and peachy. In other words I felt I could somewhat trust this company for now. Boy was I wrong! The first few days went by fairly breezy. And coming into work was no problem for me. Little things here and there pointed me into a direction where I started to think to myself “ok I…

So I work at a Tex-mex type restaurant here in south Fort Worth Texas area and I gotta say, I have never witnessed a manager as unprofessional and uncaring as this one. For now we’re gonna call her Miss L and her daughter (a team lead) Miss M.

Miss L hired me through Miss M at an interview one day as they were in dire need of more employees being that the assistant manager and a few other employees were to leave for their personal reasons. During that interview I felt as things ran smooth and peachy. In other words I felt I could somewhat trust this company for now. Boy was I wrong!

The first few days went by fairly breezy. And coming into work was no problem for me. Little things here and there pointed me into a direction where I started to think to myself “ok I gotta bring a guard up” because I was seeing questionable things being done at work. An example, mother-daughter altercation, another example, daughter gets very frustrated and shifts tone within a matter of seconds. In turn, this creates tension between the employees and the higher ups especially when shift blaming comes into play. Those first few days gradually told me something wasn’t right. For one thing, the store had to be perfectly clean, I’m talking floors scrubbed rigorously, walls scrubbed as well. And not only that, it did not matter what job you were assigned for the day you worked your shift. If you were to be in charge of expediting orders, suddenly you were in charge of taking orders for the drive thru or making salsa cups because “the manager wasn’t feeling in the mood today”.

Of course these things weren’t necessarily pointed at me but my co workers who had been there for quite some time. It’s like they were used to this type of abuse which is saddening to say. Now let’s talk about the tone. I noticed that the higher ups had a more aggressive tonality with employees than with each other. Had you done something wrong you were in for a real treat. Miss M will not only expose your weaknesses but do it in a way that is loud and rude. “You put way too much pico de Gallo! What is wrong with you? What you don’t have a brain?” Things like that really makes a person feel inferior.

Here is the topping to the icing for me now. After that little honeymoon period sufficed, enshrouding me was the vulgarity of people who really have no respect for their own employees. I was late for 10 minutes one day and pleaded forgiveness because I have a deep issue with feeling satisfied with what I can bring to the table so-to-speak and I am just too self critical. Even though I tried to apologize for being late I’m getting yelled at and put on the spot for my actions very loud so everyone in the store could hear. And I’m there’s frozen in fear and embarrassment. I tried to explain to her in that moment that I would appreciate if she didn’t raise her tone at me so much because it distracts me from trying to understand her and leaves me feeling uncomfortable and stressed. And she tells me “well that’s how I talk and you’re just gonna have to get used to it”. Feeling defeated at this point I just say “ok I understand” even though I really don’t and I just want the moment to end. On top of that Miss M is always angry during her shift and blaming everyone for her mistakes. But wonders why they never have enough workers. And I can honestly say I’ve seen about 6 people quit since I started 2 months ago.

So here the part why I’m leaving, I got written up 2 times in one week because of a medical reason and because I was late one day despite letting them know I’m going to be late hours before my shift for a personal reason. So the medical reason is just outrageous! I have really bad gastritis and I had to leave early one day to go to the hospital and Miss M tells me angrily “if you don’t bring a doctors note I’m going to write you up” I said ok I’m gonna get one. Despite coming back to work the next day with a doctors note I still got written up because apparently I left another day early too but didn’t have a doctors note for it but it’s was for diarrhea. I had food poisoning and they blamed it on the fact that I was drinking lemonade with tajin seasoning. I tried to explain to her that I’ve always been doing this and never had any issues despite having gastritis. Miss L responds with “I’m not letting you have tajin when you come to work anymore”

At this point I’m regretting even applying for this job. The past few days I’ve been overworked and nagged at because Miss M ended up getting a health inspection grade of 82. And guess what I was to blame because I left the night before due to gastritis complications. Suffice it to say. Quit. I quit I quit……I have better job offers coming in anyway.

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