PSA: If they don't have enough people for you to a) not work, b) take off or c) take holidays. they don't have enough people to fire you.
we have seen or heard it time and time again, they won't give you your usual days off, they tell you to come in no question on a day off because someone ELSE called off. they won't give you holidays, or let you take 2 weeks consecutively, you can't take maternity or take off sick, ect, ect, ect.
and look a lot of people here will tell you to quit, walk away and all the rest, but your working that job for a reason, you know it, your boss knows it and your co-workers know it…some of us Endure shit we don't like because we don't have much options or much choice. You may be less educated, or there may be less options in your area, you may have dependants or whatever, you Need the job, and the boss treats you like shit because your options are limited.
BUT so are there's, the conditions suck, your over worked because there are no staff, can't take days, because there are no staff, can't take holidays because there isn't enough staff…ect, ect, ect…
they need you as much as you need them, they can't sack you, if they could they'd have already hired more people, to cover sick days, to cover leave, to cover days off, if they can't afford to cover you, to let you have a day off, they can't afford fire you. its that simple.