
A social worker who doesn’t seem to want to do their job.

So due to circumstances last year in June was in the hospital, then in an RCF from June 2021- February 2022 into a hab home where currently residing. So as part of being in this HAB home, I am supposed to meet with a social worker 3 days a week, 2 hours per visit. The first worker had ended up getting another position in the company and the company gave me my current worker. Now this worker I'm going to refer to as T. It seems like T doesn't want to do her job. She will tell me a certain and will have 1/3 chance she shows up on time, 1/3 chance she shows up hours late, 1/3 chance she will not show up at all* The asterisk is for when days she shows up, after no showing she say “Oh I tried ringing doorbell, and knocking on the door.…

So due to circumstances last year in June was in the hospital, then in an RCF from June 2021- February 2022 into a hab home where currently residing.

So as part of being in this HAB home, I am supposed to meet with a social worker 3 days a week, 2 hours per visit. The first worker had ended up getting another position in the company and the company gave me my current worker.

Now this worker I'm going to refer to as T. It seems like T doesn't want to do her job. She will tell me a certain and will have 1/3 chance she shows up on time, 1/3 chance she shows up hours late, 1/3 chance she will not show up at all*

The asterisk is for when days she shows up, after no showing she say “Oh I tried ringing doorbell, and knocking on the door. You must not heard me.” Which is bs, cause the first time or two this happens, I've kept my room door open and had days where I was running out of my room multiple times cause I thought I heard the front door. What's even worse is the times she'll come into the house leave a note, but bother come up the stairs to get me. She has my cell phone number, she can call that if she wants to meet with me.

She only used her phone to call me when started training her soon to be replacement, but I am still stuck with T until Dec or Jan cause new workers aren't allowed to transport clients until several months of training.

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