
Today I learned a woman is “the worst thing one can be”

I [20F] am so frustrated and disgusted right now. Earlier this morning I simply stood and cut up vegetables when these two, middle aged guys came up behind me and I overheard this conversation (the conversation, or rather monologue, was directed directly at me and): White guy (boss of coloured guy): “Honestly, call me a racist, because I fucking hate Arabs. Muslims and Arabs are the worst!” (the subject was brought up as the coloured guy, let’s call him C, proposed a complaint about a colleague with an Arab name). Coloured guy: “Uh… sure, haha” (I could tell the mood was kind of uncomfortable). White guy: “Or you know what? I fucking hate everyone with colour in their skin!” At this point, C just kind of chuckled awkwardly. But then W exclaims, loud as can be: “But n-words and Arabs aside, NOTHING is worse than women! They’re boring, they’re ugly…

I [20F] am so frustrated and disgusted right now. Earlier this morning I simply stood and cut up vegetables when these two, middle aged guys came up behind me and I overheard this conversation (the conversation, or rather monologue, was directed directly at me and):

White guy (boss of coloured guy): “Honestly, call me a racist, because I fucking hate Arabs. Muslims and Arabs are the worst!” (the subject was brought up as the coloured guy, let’s call him C, proposed a complaint about a colleague with an Arab name).

Coloured guy:
“Uh… sure, haha” (I could tell the mood was kind of uncomfortable).

White guy:
“Or you know what? I fucking hate everyone with colour in their skin!”

At this point, C just kind of chuckled awkwardly. But then W exclaims, loud as can be:
“But n-words and Arabs aside, NOTHING is worse than women! They’re boring, they’re ugly and they’re only good for spreading their legs!”

C laughed and kind of agreed, not genuinely I don’t think/hope.

I’m at a loss for words. What… happened…? This guy, W, held up the door me earlier that morning – but apparently he hates me?

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