
My boss: “I can’t wait until the recession hit.”

I’ve been a manager for 6 years, 2 with my current company. My boss has no idea what he’s doing. He was a finance dude who picked an industry he felt he could corner, and he was right. He got successful. Then he grew too fast, and now the team is a chaotic mush of skilled industry leaders and staff who came on entry-level but made it to management within a year simply for not being fuck ups. Our “HR” person has no HR training, workplace toxicity and gossip is rampant, and I was given very minimal training when I absorbed other duties and became the District Manager. We have a lot of young people who want to make more money, the same as anywhere else. The difference is my boss is openly dismissive of this, to the point where he told me he can’t wait for a recession so…

I’ve been a manager for 6 years, 2 with my current company.

My boss has no idea what he’s doing. He was a finance dude who picked an industry he felt he could corner, and he was right. He got successful.

Then he grew too fast, and now the team is a chaotic mush of skilled industry leaders and staff who came on entry-level but made it to management within a year simply for not being fuck ups.

Our “HR” person has no HR training, workplace toxicity and gossip is rampant, and I was given very minimal training when I absorbed other duties and became the District Manager.

We have a lot of young people who want to make more money, the same as anywhere else. The difference is my boss is openly dismissive of this, to the point where he told me he can’t wait for a recession so he can lay people off.

It didn’t jar me too much at the time, but as I’ve woken up and realize how much this company is affecting my mental and physical health, I spoke up about my feelings. And now I’m pretty afraid that could be next. And even if I’m not, I know he wants that and my team will suffer for it.

Idk. I’m exhausted. I have nothing else of merit to say, but all my in-laws and my own parents can say to me is that my boss has “been very good to me,” which he has, in the past. But I think I’m nearing the end of my usefulness in his eyes.

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