
Accept abuse or you’re fired: Ireland

Posted this in r/Cork and got a message to post it here too. ​ The Imperial Hotel, Cork, Ireland. Worked in the bar (not residents bar) a few years back. Paid until closing but would be there hours later cleaning (standard wage theft in the hospitality sector) BUT some nights the hotel chain owner would pick up a random floozy and want to flex his power. He would stay with her, after closing, and then the fun would start. He would insist on trivial things being done (still not paid), decide that the floor was not clean enough and demand that the deck brushes would be brought out and the floors scrubbed for an hour, decide that he was hungry and want something brought into the bar and get table service etc etc. All to impress his puff piece of the week. Last straw for me was one Sat…

Posted this in r/Cork and got a message to post it here too.

The Imperial Hotel, Cork, Ireland. Worked in the bar (not residents bar) a few years back.

Paid until closing but would be there hours later cleaning (standard wage theft in the hospitality sector) BUT some nights the hotel chain owner would pick up a random floozy and want to flex his power.

He would stay with her, after closing, and then the fun would start. He would insist on trivial things being done (still not paid), decide that the floor was not clean enough and demand that the deck brushes would be brought out and the floors scrubbed for an hour, decide that he was hungry and want something brought into the bar and get table service etc etc.

All to impress his puff piece of the week.

Last straw for me was one Sat night. City centre pub, music on. Random middle age guy storms through the crowd and starts giving out to a colleague, she's taken aback and asks me to deal with him. I ask what is wrong and I get an expletive laden tirade about the music volume. I check the sound system and there are marks on the dials to what the volume should be at specific days/times.

Tell the “gentleman” that the volume is set for a Sat night, like every week. He starts cursing everyone and then decides to lob a full pint of stout over the bar, just missing the girl from earlier. Now he did not aim/throw but that's not the point.

I told him to leave, came around the bar and directed him to the door, where the only bouncer was.

Next morning I get summoned into work, while I am off for a few days. Hotel manager (also GM) states that this chap was a friend of the owner and has threatened legal action for being told to leave. I explain what he did and how dangerous it was but get told that, as a barman, I have no authority to tell people to leave. I should have let this guy throw glass in the direction of staff while I went looking for a shift manager.

I was instructed to write a letter of apology to that guy and admit wrongdoing. Told them no, given 2 weeks notice, told them to go fuck themselves. Hotel manager then grabs my wrist and tries to push me out of his way. I now actually get angry, I'm not there for this prick to assault me, and tell him in no uncertain terms what would happen if he does not remove his hands from me.

Given the toxic work place it was, it was a cathartic feeling leaving that place.

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