
Just got fired for being assaulted at work

This guy I worked with shoved me into a wall from behind after an argument, and now he’s written up but im outright fired. Apparently because of my attitude, but I just walked away. I may be anti work but I don’t know what I’ll do with myself anymore, and I’ve never been fired before, but to be fired because I got assaulted? If I wasn’t suddenly out of income I’d be talking to my lawyer…

This guy I worked with shoved me into a wall from behind after an argument, and now he’s written up but im outright fired. Apparently because of my attitude, but I just walked away.
I may be anti work but I don’t know what I’ll do with myself anymore, and I’ve never been fired before, but to be fired because I got assaulted? If I wasn’t suddenly out of income I’d be talking to my lawyer…

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