
Two coworkers who have been here less time than me know less than me and still get paid more

So I've been working at this fast food place for a year, I originally came here because of the food it was my favorite but I stayed because I really like the people working with me, I usually am the weird one in a group but with these guys? I'm normal. However I've gone through a lot with this job, I've learned every position. I get paid 12.25 an hour which doesn't sound that bad but two of my coworkers who only know window and one of them has only been here for a few months is getting 12.50 and that same person wants to be and is expected to become a manaeckmger despite him barely knowing how to make food quickly, he only does window stuff which is considered bar none the easiest position in the store. I got “approved” to be a crew trainer a few months ago…

So I've been working at this fast food place for a year, I originally came here because of the food it was my favorite but I stayed because I really like the people working with me, I usually am the weird one in a group but with these guys? I'm normal. However I've gone through a lot with this job, I've learned every position. I get paid 12.25 an hour which doesn't sound that bad but two of my coworkers who only know window and one of them has only been here for a few months is getting 12.50 and that same person wants to be and is expected to become a manaeckmger despite him barely knowing how to make food quickly, he only does window stuff which is considered bar none the easiest position in the store. I got “approved” to be a crew trainer a few months ago which they gave no effort to train me in despite me being definitely qualified to do so (hell I basically do the responsibilities as one without the raise) despite me saying I wanted to be a manager when I asked. I've been told because of Computer issues and “change in managment” that's why training hasn't started yet. If he becomes a manager before I become a crew trainer I'm legit quitting, I've been here too long have stayed when we were understaffed, through outbreaks aligations of high ups everything and a guy who sits in the window gets more than me? My first position I was getting paid like 11 to do? Just because he can get some more overtime than me? (Appearantly that's why he got the raise the other was a mistake they've yet to fix) This is bullshit like for real. I'm talking to my area coach about it tomorrow. But if I'm not heard out I will quit and make more than the managers at a starting position at a supermarket. If you want more details because I suck at those and I feel like I've said too much but also not enough just ask I will answer but this job is thin Ice for me. I love the people, I love the memories, hell after all this time I can still tolerate the food but if theyre gonna screw me over like this? I'm not having it. No more mr nice guy.

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