
employer didn’t pay me owed commission accurately.

The company I work for put me on a commission structure 2 years ago and it's been a nightmare. No transparency of commission owed on closed sales, late paying me commission, innacurate when it is paid. I forced them to address and total my owed back commission and they promised it would be on my next check over a month ago. I finally had enough and reported a wage theft claim with the state. Did I make the right choice?

The company I work for put me on a commission structure 2 years ago and it's been a nightmare. No transparency of commission owed on closed sales, late paying me commission, innacurate when it is paid. I forced them to address and total my owed back commission and they promised it would be on my next check over a month ago. I finally had enough and reported a wage theft claim with the state. Did I make the right choice?

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