
“Money can’t buy happiness!”

BUUULL FUCKING SHIT. I've slowly went from living at home with a family deep in poverty, to getting a job, to getting a raise, to getting a company side hustle, to getting another raise, to getting a better job. And every single step on the way up has drastically reduced my depression and increased my day to day energy level and happiness. The notion that money can't buy happiness is only promotes by shallow people who have never been dirt poor and suffering for them. Anytime people tell me i money should not be important to me i cringe to my very soul, especially because the people who have told me this have grown up with well off parents on a stable income.

BUUULL FUCKING SHIT. I've slowly went from living at home with a family deep in poverty, to getting a job, to getting a raise, to getting a company side hustle, to getting another raise, to getting a better job. And every single step on the way up has drastically reduced my depression and increased my day to day energy level and happiness.
The notion that money can't buy happiness is only promotes by shallow people who have never been dirt poor and suffering for them. Anytime people tell me i money should not be important to me i cringe to my very soul, especially because the people who have told me this have grown up with well off parents on a stable income.

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