
Should I leave a 2 week notice or should I just quit?

As the title says, I have received a job offer for a better paying job than my retail job that i'm currently working. Should I even bother with a two week notice? I'm coming to you, the people of r/antiwork because you seem like you would know the best course of action. Thank you for any and all answers, I appreciate the help. ​ EDIT: I think I have my answer, i'll be putting in a two weeks notice. Thanks for the help guys and gals, I appreciate the quick responses even if it was a stupid question.

As the title says, I have received a job offer for a better paying job than my retail job that i'm currently working. Should I even bother with a two week notice? I'm coming to you, the people of r/antiwork because you seem like you would know the best course of action. Thank you for any and all answers, I appreciate the help.

EDIT: I think I have my answer, i'll be putting in a two weeks notice. Thanks for the help guys and gals, I appreciate the quick responses even if it was a stupid question.

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