
US cellular promised me a job. Made me wait an entire month to get hired, then fired me half an hour into my job due to my class schedule. Which is information they’ve had throughout this entire month long process.

Basically when I first applied to the job and got the interview I was told they would reach out to me within the next week. Fast forward 2 weeks and I call the manager to ask what the verdict was on my hire, leading to him letting me know that the hiring person was actually on vacation that week so I’d have to wait another week. I finally get the job and they give me a date to come in but no time and no schedule, when I email the hiring manager I get no response so instead I get a phone call from the manager at that store where he lets me know I come in at 10. So I go in at 10 and I’m sat down in front of a computer to sign in and do my required checklist for new hires. When it gets to the…

Basically when I first applied to the job and got the interview I was told they would reach out to me within the next week. Fast forward 2 weeks and I call the manager to ask what the verdict was on my hire, leading to him letting me know that the hiring person was actually on vacation that week so I’d have to wait another week. I finally get the job and they give me a date to come in but no time and no schedule, when I email the hiring manager I get no response so instead I get a phone call from the manager at that store where he lets me know I come in at 10. So I go in at 10 and I’m sat down in front of a computer to sign in and do my required checklist for new hires. When it gets to the part where I’m clocking in the shift leader asks me what time I’m leaving and how many hours I’m working. None of which had been discussed with me. So I’m flipping through my binder where my employee email has been given and my new sales account while the shift leader is out asking the manager questions about my future shifts. I’m about to follow instructions to order my uniform through the company when the manager calls me into his office and proceeds to let me know that if I work every day before and after class as well as full shift weekends Friday to Sunday, I still wouldn’t get enough hours in to meet quota. As the title states, this was all information that was given on the application for the job before I was even offered the interview. I even had to switch one in-person class to online since my manager told me there would be scheduling conflicts with that one too. I really feel like they could have taken the time through that entire month leading up to my hire to work out a schedule and see then that it wouldn’t work instead of hiring me and firing me 30 minutes after my first shift started and before they introduced me to the people I would be working with. I even specifically told them and applied for a part-time position ON TOP of that. But instead they make me a full-time employee and fire me before my first hour on the clock.

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