
My Boss fired me and wants me back one week later

First of all english isent my first Language sorry for my grammar mistakes. So i started working in a Call Center on May 1st. Tbh at First i thought the Project i work for sounds amazing but hell that changed quickly. They tried to force overtime every single time of there was an oppertunity of course i declined cause i already work 42 h a week in this hellhole. But the worst thing happend when i had to call sick cause i had a rly bad infection and couldnt work at all. When i came back to work 2 weeks after my infection my Boss Startes to scream at me while everyone was with me that im a lazy worker and its a no go that i called sick and he was in his 45 years since he has this company not at home at all. I told him im…

First of all english isent my first Language sorry for my grammar mistakes.

So i started working in a Call Center on May 1st. Tbh at First i thought the Project i work for sounds amazing but hell that changed quickly. They tried to force overtime every single time of there was an oppertunity of course i declined cause i already work 42 h a week in this hellhole. But the worst thing happend when i had to call sick cause i had a rly bad infection and couldnt work at all. When i came back to work 2 weeks after my infection my Boss Startes to scream at me while everyone was with me that im a lazy worker and its a no go that i called sick and he was in his 45 years since he has this company not at home at all. I told him im sorry but he interupted me and told me he dosent care. One week later a coworker was talking about me that i was a fat pig because i sometimes snack at work. When i confronted her about it she said it was a joke. After that i had another meeting with my Boss and he told me to stop insulting the co worker who insulted me. I said i understand cause i know When i say something it wont help. The following week i got a call from my Leasing Company and they told me that the Call Center fired me. I was ok with that and told them to get me a new Company and told them everything that happend. They understand my Situation and told me that they will get a new Job for me. So another week Passes and i got a call from my Leasing Company and they told my my Former Boss called them and told them that that he wants to apologize to me and wants me back because he has almost no one left for the project and he rly needs me. Of course i decline and the last thing i heared is that the project got cancelled. Im actually happy about That but still consider to sue the Company.

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