
Rant about my BF’s work

So yesterday he was supposed to have a day off but they scheduled him for a shift last minute without even telling him – he literally didn't even find out until 9 mins after his shift was supposed to start, and we were still in bed. As soon as he saw the notification from his shift app, he messaged his manager to say that he didn't even know about the shift and wouldn't be able to come in anyway as we already had plans and it would take around 2.5 hours for him to actually get into work if he started getting ready now. The manager was taking a little while to respond so he checked the shift schedule and saw that both of his managers were off so there was literally nobody he could notify about the situation. Then after about half an hour he got a call from…

So yesterday he was supposed to have a day off but they scheduled him for a shift last minute without even telling him – he literally didn't even find out until 9 mins after his shift was supposed to start, and we were still in bed. As soon as he saw the notification from his shift app, he messaged his manager to say that he didn't even know about the shift and wouldn't be able to come in anyway as we already had plans and it would take around 2.5 hours for him to actually get into work if he started getting ready now. The manager was taking a little while to respond so he checked the shift schedule and saw that both of his managers were off so there was literally nobody he could notify about the situation. Then after about half an hour he got a call from a manager of a different department, asking him why he wasn't in work. My bf explained the situation and told him he couldn't get in anyway cuz we have plans, and the manager was just like “so there's no chance of you coming in🤨???” Like no, bf literally just said we have plans, we ain't gonna cancel them for you bitch. And they only schedule their shifts 3-4 weeks in advance so it's hard enough to make plans with their terrible system anyway, like hell we're gonna cancel the plans we've actually made and been looking forward to.

Then after that bf told me that their manager had asked some people the day before if they could cover, but never asked bf, like it's so disrespectful that they asked everyone else and then just scheduled my bf without asking or even telling him, and just expect him to give up his time.

And the other thing that pisses me right off is that bf suffers from anxiety, and as an anxiety sufferer too I know how stressful last-minute plan changes and work problems can be, and how it can affect us. Thankfully bf seems fine and is now back at work joking about it with one of his colleagues, but it's like they have no value, respect, or consideration for my bf's time or his well-being. They're basically treating him like he's on-call and it's bullshit.

It's not the only time they've changed his shifts last minute, and it's not even the only time they've not told him and he hasn't realised until after the shift was due to start. It's also definitely not the only time his managers have been 100% unreachable when he's had some kind of work problem and had nobody to speak to. If I had to deal with this much bullshit for just 50p higher than minimum wage I would've quit or killed myself already. Props to my boy for handling this stuff like a pro, I just wish they'd have more respect and consideration for him

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