
Boss finally made me feel like crap

I started in this company where they provide decent pay, good atmosphere in here, clean job and don't really need to deal with people too much. I used to work in a coffee shop before, and before I left, she said “You have to leave this place, you won't grow with these people, come with me and I will pay you more, and I promise you will grow with us. But as soon as I started, I noticed that my boss had WAY too many Michael Scott jokes, always talking about appearance, if anything happens in the company, I'm the first one she will blame, whenever we have events here, guess who's in charge of cleaning and serving people? Yeah, the guy who is supposed to be in a higher position compared to my old job! (Me btw). Yesterday, I was having lunch with my co-workers in a small table,…

I started in this company where they provide decent pay, good atmosphere in here, clean job and don't really need to deal with people too much.

I used to work in a coffee shop before, and before I left, she said “You have to leave this place, you won't grow with these people, come with me and I will pay you more, and I promise you will grow with us.

But as soon as I started, I noticed that my boss had WAY too many Michael Scott jokes, always talking about appearance, if anything happens in the company, I'm the first one she will blame, whenever we have events here, guess who's in charge of cleaning and serving people? Yeah, the guy who is supposed to be in a higher position compared to my old job! (Me btw).

Yesterday, I was having lunch with my co-workers in a small table, so it was full. Then she comes behind me and says, “Are you done eating?” knowing damn well that I started my meal 5 minutes before she came, and all my food was still on my plate. So I said, “Not really, but you can sit” and left to my desk.

For the first time in my life, I felt like less than just a number, I realized that I'm just another weight on this place. I worked at restaurants before, cleaned kitchens, apartments, selling clothes, and somehow this was the worst experience I've had. I'm feeling firsthand, the taste of what it is to be used by someone just so you can make your little bit of money to survive every damn month.

I don't know what to do, because the pay is decent, I'm helping with the bills at home at home along with my wife and I know for a fact that if I leave, I will be putting myself and my family in a bad situation, especially now that jobs say that they need people, but they won't hire no one.

My depression got worse since I started here, I feel like I live to work, and I don't have time to my family. I'm young (25) and I'm tired, every job is a punch on my face, no matter how hard I try.

If you were able to quit your job and find a way of living comfortably, I am truly happy for you, that's what we all deserve.

Good luck everyone in your journeys. Don't let people step on you like I did.

Edit: Grammar

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