
I was issued a brand new iPhone and if i break it or lose it, I have to pay for it

I'm new to IT and as such I have little to no leverage and have to say “yes, ok, you got it” to any and all requests. But holy hell this is some bullshit. They gave me a work phone, a sleek brand new iPhone 13 and didn't offer a protection case. I have to buy it or risk breaking the damn phone and paying full retail price for the phone. This in America BTW, the greatest country in the world!

I'm new to IT and as such I have little to no leverage and have to say “yes, ok, you got it” to any and all requests. But holy hell this is some bullshit. They gave me a work phone, a sleek brand new iPhone 13 and didn't offer a protection case. I have to buy it or risk breaking the damn phone and paying full retail price for the phone. This in America BTW, the greatest country in the world!

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