
UPDATE – My work is telling me I’m resigning because I asked for a raise.

Hi everyone, this is an update to the thread I made a couple days ago. For anyone that didn't see the last one, the gist is that I was asked to change job titles to a 100% travel position from a mostly remote position. I asked for increased pay to compensate for the new job requirements, and was told that I do not qualify for the new job to begin with and would not be receiving a raise. I decided to agree that I'm not qualified, and rejected the change in title. Then began an argument of whether or not this meant I was resigning. Now for the update: I have started the appointments for my medical issues. I was instructed by my doctors that I should not drive for the next 6 weeks while a determination is made. My work, in response to this, asked me to take a…

Hi everyone, this is an update to the thread I made a couple days ago.

For anyone that didn't see the last one, the gist is that I was asked to change job titles to a 100% travel position from a mostly remote position. I asked for increased pay to compensate for the new job requirements, and was told that I do not qualify for the new job to begin with and would not be receiving a raise. I decided to agree that I'm not qualified, and rejected the change in title. Then began an argument of whether or not this meant I was resigning.

Now for the update:

I have started the appointments for my medical issues. I was instructed by my doctors that I should not drive for the next 6 weeks while a determination is made. My work, in response to this, asked me to take a 6 week unpaid medical leave. I rejected the medical leave, stating that I am fully capable of the remote work I had been doing up until this point. They claimed that the work I did before is no longer available and that there is absolutely no remote work position they can transfer me to. I asked, again, if this meant they were laying me off from my current position.

I have not yet received any legal consultation. Frustratingly, no one has gotten back to me.

The issue is that I now need to keep my medical benefits long enough to diagnose and treat my current health issues, along with making sure I can receive unemployment since they removed my position. If I say I'm quitting I can't receive unemployment in the state of Wisconsin, and my benefits end immediately.

If they lay me off, my benefits also end immediately, but I can receive unemployment.

If I can do remote work, then there is no issue and I'm happy to do the remote work until I land another position. I'd prefer the raise that was in negotiation, but it's not a necessity if I'm working remotely.

Keeping in mind these considerations, HR has reached out to me with an offer:

I will be able to keep my benefits for the month of September, receive a small severance package, and still qualify for unemployment. I have all of this in writing and all the details are clear. I can't discuss the severance package due to confidentiality clauses, but I will say that most severance packages deny a person the right to any legal pursuits.

I was told I should decide before the 26th of the month. I'm hoping to receive a consultation before then, but in case I don't I am carefully measuring my options.

I'd also like to emphasize for anyone in a similar position: The company was never obligated to give me a severance package. My position in the company did not have one, nor do the vast majority of positions. This is a unique offer they have made because of the trouble this far. Consider this carefully, as it has a lot of implications that need to be picked apart.

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