

Can someone explain to me why upper management constantly hires middle men to 'filter' out inquiries that only they (upper management) have the answers to? Like, this is why things take forever to get done. Then people have meetings to talk about work instead of actually working, that's annoying too. THEN, upper management wonders why there are client complaints after more than 3 months waiting for an answer from them.. It's hard not to care, and I'm tired of being in between the client and management. There's only so many times I can say I'm waiting on a response before appearing either unprofessional, or simply not caring. What is this pyramid hierarchy nonsense!? Also without these answers I'm knowingly doing my job incorrectly, which doesn't appear to be a concern until it blows up. Maybe I should just stop caring, and let management ensure things are done efficiently and effectively..…

Can someone explain to me why upper management constantly hires middle men to 'filter' out inquiries that only they (upper management) have the answers to? Like, this is why things take forever to get done. Then people have meetings to talk about work instead of actually working, that's annoying too. THEN, upper management wonders why there are client complaints after more than 3 months waiting for an answer from them..

It's hard not to care, and I'm tired of being in between the client and management. There's only so many times I can say I'm waiting on a response before appearing either unprofessional, or simply not caring. What is this pyramid hierarchy nonsense!?

Also without these answers I'm knowingly doing my job incorrectly, which doesn't appear to be a concern until it blows up. Maybe I should just stop caring, and let management ensure things are done efficiently and effectively.. *cough* never going to happen??

Perhaps I'm just not cut out for this type of work. My integrity isn't allowing me to do work that I will have to redo again later once I receive answers. I'm getting paid, who cares, right?

BTW this probably makes more sense if I let you know my job entails processes that run on a monthly cycle.

I guess another perspective is that with these 'processes' it creates jobs for citizens but, seriously all of this waiting is unnecessary, is it not?!

Also as Upper Management: how do you NOT care that there are clients who are under paying due to not understanding how funds are distributed? Should you not respond ASAP and clear it up so that one problem doesn't continue onto the next month and so forth and turn into 5 problems?!

Rant Over..

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