
I’m hate these webcam interviews

I hate these ass lazy employers sending “hirevue” interviews. It’s like the third one I received….. it was acceptable during Covid but some of these companies are just posting barely this year I can’t engage with a camera and a generic question, and then to see yourself talk is a whole other thing….. I always did great with in person interviews…. But now this new process is a bit humiliating…. I heard people just turn down the potential of getting the job just because of the online interview. The audacity that theses employers are trying to demonize “quietly quitting” yet they can’t even do their due diligence of having a human to human interview even at least a live online interview. PS. I’m not a fucking boomer either 🙂

I hate these ass lazy employers sending “hirevue” interviews. It’s like the third one I received….. it was acceptable during Covid but some of these companies are just posting barely this year I can’t engage with a camera and a generic question, and then to see yourself talk is a whole other thing….. I always did great with in person interviews…. But now this new process is a bit humiliating…. I heard people just turn down the potential of getting the job just because of the online interview. The audacity that theses employers are trying to demonize “quietly quitting” yet they can’t even do their due diligence of having a human to human interview even at least a live online interview.

PS. I’m not a fucking boomer either 🙂

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