
Is there any merit to the idea that minimum wage jobs should be “starter” jobs?

Coming in as a supporter of the movement but relatively uneducated in these matters. When I was a kid, and still today, my parents always told me that minimum wage jobs were never supposed to be able to support an entire family and live off of. I’ve heard from multiple older people this same argument, that minimum wage jobs are supposed to be work by underage or dependents for spending money, not living money. When I told one of my parents that I knew adults that had to work multiple jobs full time in order to support a family, he scoffed at me and told me that the reason why my friend was struggling like that was because of life decisions he had made, and told me that any educated adult should have no trouble finding a job that can support themselves. Anyone have any ideas on counter arguments for…

Coming in as a supporter of the movement but relatively uneducated in these matters.

When I was a kid, and still today, my parents always told me that minimum wage jobs were never supposed to be able to support an entire family and live off of. I’ve heard from multiple older people this same argument, that minimum wage jobs are supposed to be work by underage or dependents for spending money, not living money. When I told one of my parents that I knew adults that had to work multiple jobs full time in order to support a family, he scoffed at me and told me that the reason why my friend was struggling like that was because of life decisions he had made, and told me that any educated adult should have no trouble finding a job that can support themselves.

Anyone have any ideas on counter arguments for this belief? Thanks!

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