
Quiet Quitting?

I recently heard this term and it seems all wrong to me… I always figured that Quiet Quitting is when you get another job, and just start working there without giving any notice whatsoever. You just stop showing up. You don't answer company phone calls, you leave all company property at your desk, slowly (or quickly) take all your personal belongings home with you. On your last day, you leave your ID/access badge in your top desk drawer where it will be easily found. I figure THAT is Quiet Quitting. You ghost your job. If you were so dissatisfied with the job that you not only considered, but DID ghost the job, then why acknowledge them after you have moved on? I have done this several times in my life. Has anyone else done this same thing?

I recently heard this term and it seems all wrong to me… I always figured that Quiet Quitting is when you get another job, and just start working there without giving any notice whatsoever. You just stop showing up. You don't answer company phone calls, you leave all company property at your desk, slowly (or quickly) take all your personal belongings home with you.

On your last day, you leave your ID/access badge in your top desk drawer where it will be easily found. I figure THAT is Quiet Quitting. You ghost your job. If you were so dissatisfied with the job that you not only considered, but DID ghost the job, then why acknowledge them after you have moved on?
I have done this several times in my life. Has anyone else done this same thing?

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