
Not doing part of my jab because it’s a health and safety hazard.

I guarantee I’m getting in trouble tomorrow at my job. I work at a gas station, it’s been wet and rainy. The dumpster is in a slightly sloped area. So starting about 5ft from the dumpster is standing water at least ankle deep. I wear plain old tennis shoes to work. There is no way in hell I’m exposing myself to anything that might be in that water…so I can’t do the trash tonight, and im going to get in trouble… I do not own shoes that would be safe to touch that water, nor do they pay enough to afford a pair. They also don’t have anything onsite to cover my feet with either…

I guarantee I’m getting in trouble tomorrow at my job. I work at a gas station, it’s been wet and rainy. The dumpster is in a slightly sloped area. So starting about 5ft from the dumpster is standing water at least ankle deep. I wear plain old tennis shoes to work. There is no way in hell I’m exposing myself to anything that might be in that water…so I can’t do the trash tonight, and im going to get in trouble…

I do not own shoes that would be safe to touch that water, nor do they pay enough to afford a pair. They also don’t have anything onsite to cover my feet with either…

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