
School and it’s role in employee abuse

Hey folks I was wondering if in our capacity as antiworkers we might also bring some awareness to role of school in the current shit show of a work environment. Now I'm not referring to the few and far between schools where everyone has the option to learn useful or fun skills that will actually benefit them throughout their life. I'm referring to the mind numbingly dull, prison like institutions that drain the souls of both students and teachers alike. A place whose main goal is turning people into the zombified, overworked and underpaid drones that we are all fighting so hard to not become. It's basically a starting model for how you're going to get screwed over once you join the workforce. Massive amounts of stress, deadlines, useless busywork, telling you you're learning important skills that you will end up forgetting because you never actually use them in real…

Hey folks I was wondering if in our capacity as antiworkers we might also bring some awareness to role of school in the current shit show of a work environment. Now I'm not referring to the few and far between schools where everyone has the option to learn useful or fun skills that will actually benefit them throughout their life. I'm referring to the mind numbingly dull, prison like institutions that drain the souls of both students and teachers alike. A place whose main goal is turning people into the zombified, overworked and underpaid drones that we are all fighting so hard to not become. It's basically a starting model for how you're going to get screwed over once you join the workforce. Massive amounts of stress, deadlines, useless busywork, telling you you're learning important skills that you will end up forgetting because you never actually use them in real life, and on top of all that the only thing you get paid with is letters on a piece of paper, gilded plastic trophies and a promise of a brighter future that may or may not actually happen. Sound familiar?

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