I've been trying to have meaningful engagements all week with people about unions. I've been called a union buster, a business owner, a whole bunch of 'insults' that have way more to do with paranoia than anything based in reality. I have some actual complaints about unions, reasons I haven't joined a union my whole working career.
I don't like how unions try to have an unbiased political affiliation in the guise of a stronger membership: You're not going to see how 'John' is racist af and how that might be problematic to a conducive work environment?
That's just a simple example of the lack of autonomy that's given in a union.
Another example is how well paid they are in the trade, but what about notoriously underpaid TEACHERS.
Unions are very small in 2022, and to not acknowledge the difference between when they were a majority in the workplace vs. now when they don't have the same leverage is asinine.
Look at the kneed dough situation, I tried to state that their power was in their unionization and that they would be able to find new work. (Apparently I needed to literally say coop because that's the difference between 30 upvotes or downvotes)
Nothing that seems remotely abrasive is accepted here out of fear of Pinkerton's. Don't you think THAT is a sign they won?