
Had a seizure last night and almost died. Boss got mad that I wasn’t able to come in today.

So I have epilepsy and from time to time have brutal seizures. Last night was no exception in fact last night was probably one of my scariest. My brother walked into my room he said I was on my back with throw up covering my mouth and nose to where it looked like I couldn’t breath. He said he could see my face change color and hear me trying to gasp for air. Thank god he was there and was able to save me. I ended up chewing my tongue and mouth up pretty bad making talking and eating a real pain but I thought I’d recover fast and be able to make my shift today. I woke up in more pain than I was in the previous day so I ended up texting my boss that I wasn’t going to be able to make it due to that. To…

So I have epilepsy and from time to time have brutal seizures. Last night was no exception in fact last night was probably one of my scariest. My brother walked into my room he said I was on my back with throw up covering my mouth and nose to where it looked like I couldn’t breath. He said he could see my face change color and hear me trying to gasp for air. Thank god he was there and was able to save me.

I ended up chewing my tongue and mouth up pretty bad making talking and eating a real pain but I thought I’d recover fast and be able to make my shift today.

I woke up in more pain than I was in the previous day so I ended up texting my boss that I wasn’t going to be able to make it due to that. To where he responded “ok but like why are you telling me this? Like why do I need to know this? sigh ok whatever I guess I’ll cover your shift today” and immediately hung up. It’s not like I’m choosing to seize and have epilepsy trust me that’s money I’m missing out on but my mouth and tongue are so raw that I haven’t been able to even really talk.

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