
Sure I can come in early and pick up a shift tomorrow…

I’m a hairstylist, but not just any old stylist. I’ve been in the biz for nearly 14 years, have advanced training and certifications that enable me to be the only person offering specialized services within 3 hours of my location. Can’t get an appt with me? Better drive to literally the edge of my Midwest state for someone else to do it! Anyways, my manager asked me to pick up an entire shift this week bc a coworker is on vacation. I had to find childcare for my two kids, but other than that, NBD. Made the arrangements and let MY clients know I’m adding that day. Reminded my Manager that I will need my PROTECTED BY LAW pumping breaks (breastfeeding a 3 month old atm) and was assured it was no problem. “Oh but I need you to come in early (Today) to do XYZ before your shift.” This…

I’m a hairstylist, but not just any old stylist. I’ve been in the biz for nearly 14 years, have advanced training and certifications that enable me to be the only person offering specialized services within 3 hours of my location. Can’t get an appt with me? Better drive to literally the edge of my Midwest state for someone else to do it!

Anyways, my manager asked me to pick up an entire shift this week bc a coworker is on vacation. I had to find childcare for my two kids, but other than that, NBD. Made the arrangements and let MY clients know I’m adding that day. Reminded my Manager that I will need my PROTECTED BY LAW pumping breaks (breastfeeding a 3 month old atm) and was assured it was no problem.

“Oh but I need you to come in early (Today) to do XYZ before your shift.” This adds an additional hour to my day, and isn’t under my responsibilities as far as my job. Also, my first client rescheduled to the day I opened up, so I didn’t need to be in at my usual time. I was going to sacrifice the hours bc I was picking up a day.

Not anymore baby!! Here I am boss, a whole hour before open, and two hours before my first client. Oh, and I can’t help with XYZ, bc that’s Susie’s (not real name) responsibility. I can help cover her clients, not her management work… oh wait, I can’t help with her clients either bc MY clients filled in that day I picked up!!

Sure glad I can sit on the clock cruising Reddit instead of busy work

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