
Any advice when feeling down about working in general?

Hi everyone! I’m pretty new to Reddit, but I’ve been a part of this group since I joined. So, first time poster! 🙂 Just as a bit of background on myself I guess, I’m graduating with my Bachelors soon, and I plan on entering the workforce before I decide what I go to grad school for (since I don’t know what I want to do as a career). I don’t think it’s a problem that I don’t know what I want to do (I’ve gotten lots of advice from real adults and they say it’s a good thing to take a break between degrees). But, I’ve been working full-time this summer and I’m absolutely exhausted with it. It frustrates me & I can’t imagine working like this non-stop. I enjoy my job sometimes, but it feels like I’m lucky to be able to do so. My parents both dislike their…

Hi everyone! I’m pretty new to Reddit, but I’ve been a part of this group since I joined. So, first time poster! 🙂 Just as a bit of background on myself I guess, I’m graduating with my Bachelors soon, and I plan on entering the workforce before I decide what I go to grad school for (since I don’t know what I want to do as a career).

I don’t think it’s a problem that I don’t know what I want to do (I’ve gotten lots of advice from real adults and they say it’s a good thing to take a break between degrees). But, I’ve been working full-time this summer and I’m absolutely exhausted with it. It frustrates me & I can’t imagine working like this non-stop.

I enjoy my job sometimes, but it feels like I’m lucky to be able to do so. My parents both dislike their jobs (whether it’s because of how they’re treated by employers or how it’s not what they ended up doing), and it feels like more and more people end up stuck doing something to just earn a living. (Which, why do we even need to “earn” a living??) It also seems like workers’ rights keep getting squashed, and even though it’s been proven around the world that people are happier with 4-day work weeks and working from home and all that, that that’ll never be the case here in the US.

I think I’m just ranting at this point, so I guess my question is: Does anyone have advice for being as happy as possible when it comes to working? Or any advice on how to not feel so sad about having to go into the capitalist workforce? Or advice on how to deal with burnout, because I’ve been burnt out for the past 2 years? Just the idea of going into the American workforce depresses me, lol, so I’d be happy to get any advice.

Sorry if this is formatted weirdly (I’m on my phone), or if this is really sad. I’ve been struggling with this a lot lately. Thank you to everyone who reads this and answers! Have a lovely day!!

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