
The average person is just a modern day slave

How fucked up is it that a small percentage of people get to live in wealth whilst the average person lives pay check to pay check barely scraping by. Our lives have been stolen from us. We shouldn't have to work this much. We should be enjoying life with our families and being free. Who do other people think they are that they get to dictate to us what the rules are? Well they don't. They're just people after all. We're the ones that put them in those positions. We gave them power. Realistically, we could have freedom but that means giving up consumer culture. You can no longer have the latest phone, you'd need to get off social media and stop idolising people like the Kardashians. You'll need to stop using Amazon, Netflix, Uber. You'll need to stop relying on banks. You'll probably be homeless. The average person is…

How fucked up is it that a small percentage of people get to live in wealth whilst the average person lives pay check to pay check barely scraping by.

Our lives have been stolen from us. We shouldn't have to work this much. We should be enjoying life with our families and being free. Who do other people think they are that they get to dictate to us what the rules are?

Well they don't. They're just people after all. We're the ones that put them in those positions. We gave them power.

Realistically, we could have freedom but that means giving up consumer culture. You can no longer have the latest phone, you'd need to get off social media and stop idolising people like the Kardashians. You'll need to stop using Amazon, Netflix, Uber. You'll need to stop relying on banks. You'll probably be homeless.

The average person is who makes the wealthy, wealthy. If we didn't consume their products, they wouldn't be rich. If we didn't idolise them, they wouldn't be famous.

And I'm sad to say that will never happen. So we need to get comfortable with living just above the poverty line for the rest of our life whilst the world chews us up and spits us out.


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