
Why I quit.

I posted something very vague yesterday. Trying to figure out how to share my story without too many identifying details. I had something happen suddenly that required major surgery and I was off for two weeks to recover. Shortly after that I got COVID. And then someone close to me died suddenly and tragically and the funeral was on a business day. Apparently asking for the day of the funeral off to go the funeral and grieve was the last straw. My manager was only willing to give me a half day after I explained intimate details of the situation, I shouldn't have felt the need to do that. I got pulled into a meeting with HR and my manager lecturing me about how much time I had taken off (1/3 of it unpaid mind you) ON THE DAY OF THE FUNERAL. Apparently all the times I had worked when…

I posted something very vague yesterday.

Trying to figure out how to share my story without too many identifying details.

I had something happen suddenly that required major surgery and I was off for two weeks to recover.

Shortly after that I got COVID.

And then someone close to me died suddenly and tragically and the funeral was on a business day.

Apparently asking for the day of the funeral off to go the funeral and grieve was the last straw.

My manager was only willing to give me a half day after I explained intimate details of the situation, I shouldn't have felt the need to do that.

I got pulled into a meeting with HR and my manager lecturing me about how much time I had taken off (1/3 of it unpaid mind you) ON THE DAY OF THE FUNERAL.

Apparently all the times I had worked when I was VISIBLY sick didn't count to show I'm willing to put the work in. Or it shot me in the foot because they refuse to believe me when I say I'm injured/sick enough that I actually can't work.

Then this week, my request for UNPAID time off for a follow up doctors appointment for my surgery got rejected. THEN my boss emailed me asking for clarification. I again felt the only way to get the necessary time off was to give more details that I didn't want to give.

I went on a long angry walk that morning after that experience.

That day I registered for classes, I'm a full time student now!

I was considering bending over backwards with a two weeks notice and working full time and school full time. And for what?

Out of some sign of respect and courtesy? Out of avoiding leaving a bad taste in their mouth?

So I can maybe have the chance to work at this company again (which I don't know why I'd ever want to)?

They can't show me the common courtesy of letting me see my doctor for a surgery they KNOW I had.

One extra day of my leave to grieve was too much for them.

Why should I extend myself at all when they clearly won't extend themselves for me?

And there was no going to HR because they had my managers back 110% and were also upset I didn't communicate enough on my time off.

I asked my boss if there would be any legal ramifications (because of our line of work) it I quit the same day. She was absolutely shell shocked but said no legal ramifications.

HR asked me to work through the end of the week because it would make payroll easier on her because of the way the payroll system works. You never did me any favors, why should I?

I have to pay back a paychecks worth of PTO (all the policies at this place are super weird), but I had already gotten all that figured out.

So I quit. I don't know what the future holds for me, but hopefully not a job that berates me after I've had the worse year of my life and sees me as a productivity tool and nothing more.

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