
My manager tired of me calling out

I'm caregiver to my dad and I can't drive. No one wants to go to odenville to pick me up so I can go to work. I have no other family on top of anxiety depression arthritis. I went to work sick twice. Once when I had covid do you know how many people food I helped make? I don't have another car so if I can't get to work if the only one I have get broken down and my dad regardless still has to drive me. I don't get any of the requests off days j posts yet the teens and managers get a week off. I'm babysitting teenagers because half act like kindergartens. Honestly I get talked bad about although I work harder then most. My anxiety through the roof. I don't wanna get yelled at. I make eleven an hour when there's people no manager making…

I'm caregiver to my dad and I can't drive. No one wants to go to odenville to pick me up so I can go to work. I have no other family on top of anxiety depression arthritis. I went to work sick twice. Once when I had covid do you know how many people food I helped make? I don't have another car so if I can't get to work if the only one I have get broken down and my dad regardless still has to drive me. I don't get any of the requests off days j posts yet the teens and managers get a week off. I'm babysitting teenagers because half act like kindergartens. Honestly I get talked bad about although I work harder then most. My anxiety through the roof. I don't wanna get yelled at. I make eleven an hour when there's people no manager making 15. They HIRED me knowing this. I work 11am to 7pm I'm not up at 6am if I can sleep in until 10am. Calling put three hours before my shift is stupid because there's no one to replace me. I've had an awful year. This job got so bad I tried to over dose. I maybe 21 but my dad has the paperwork from when i was diagnosed with every medical condition. Not to mention when I first started they had a creepy that hit on girls 16 to 21 and the assistant manager acted like it was no big deal. My ex got drugged working here and the assistant manager didn't fire no one on the spot. It crap.

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