
Do I just need to be blunt with my manager about her son’s Boy Scouts popcorn?

She was kind enough to give me advance notice this morning about how it's going to be popcorn season for Boy Scouts, and that her (7? 8? y/o) son is super excited and hoping to hit $2,500 in sales to get a free ride through Boy Scouts this upcoming year. She said, “So I'll bring the list in when I get it so you can choose what you want to buy. And if you don't want popcorn, you can leave at least a $10 donation.” Firstly, I don't get paid enough and am struggling financially right now. Secondly, I don't enjoy encouraging the behavior/trend of things like Girl & Boy Scout 'fundraisers,' as I feel like it's extorting kids to reap profits in return for basically pennies' worth of goods. Though I can't really stand kids in the first place, I at least think they deserve rights/fair compensation for their…

She was kind enough to give me advance notice this morning about how it's going to be popcorn season for Boy Scouts, and that her (7? 8? y/o) son is super excited and hoping to hit $2,500 in sales to get a free ride through Boy Scouts this upcoming year.

She said, “So I'll bring the list in when I get it so you can choose what you want to buy. And if you don't want popcorn, you can leave at least a $10 donation.”

Firstly, I don't get paid enough and am struggling financially right now. Secondly, I don't enjoy encouraging the behavior/trend of things like Girl & Boy Scout 'fundraisers,' as I feel like it's extorting kids to reap profits in return for basically pennies' worth of goods. Though I can't really stand kids in the first place, I at least think they deserve rights/fair compensation for their work.

I think I just need to be frank with my manager and hold my ground that I'm struggling financially and can't afford to support him. Or does anyone have a more fun way to go about this?

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