
Boss wants a copy of my resume for their “HR files”.. is this a normal request?

For context, I’ve been with the company for 2 years and the boss knows I’m planning to move near the end of the year and have been searching for a new job. The turnover rate here is very high, people usually leave after 6 months – 1 year. People have left bc of bad management and overworking, and the company has had issues with retaining people and trying to rebrand themselves for new hires. Is this normal? Any reason I should be concerned about randomly providing an updated version of my resume to the company?

For context, I’ve been with the company for 2 years and the boss knows I’m planning to move near the end of the year and have been searching for a new job. The turnover rate here is very high, people usually leave after 6 months – 1 year. People have left bc of bad management and overworking, and the company has had issues with retaining people and trying to rebrand themselves for new hires.

Is this normal? Any reason I should be concerned about randomly providing an updated version of my resume to the company?

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