
Coping with a job that’s messing with self esteem

First, I would like to acknowledge that I'm very fortunate to be in a position where I am employed right now. However, I'm miserable and looking for ways to keep my sanity while I search for another job. I feel like I'm having to put the rest of my life on hold while this whole thing gets sorted out. Background/Vent: I'm an underrepresented WOC at a growing/relatively well funded company who is about 6 months in. Adding on to the PTSD that I've experienced from other jobs, a Karen of sorts (you know the type – micromanager, microagressor, etc.) was hired after me began to threaten me and other POC on the team because she didn't like the quality of our work. HR was notified and things have improved but in the meantime, I've had to deal with people talking down to me and questioning my work despite the fact…

First, I would like to acknowledge that I'm very fortunate to be in a position where I am employed right now. However, I'm miserable and looking for ways to keep my sanity while I search for another job.
I feel like I'm having to put the rest of my life on hold while this whole thing gets sorted out.


I'm an underrepresented WOC at a growing/relatively well funded company who is about 6 months in. Adding on to the PTSD that I've experienced from other jobs, a Karen of sorts (you know the type – micromanager, microagressor, etc.) was hired after me began to threaten me and other POC on the team because she didn't like the quality of our work. HR was notified and things have improved but in the meantime, I've had to deal with people talking down to me and questioning my work despite the fact that I've got about 15 years of experience and have worked my way up in my field. To make matters worse, I just found out that someone who has the same level of experience as me is making $40k more.

I've done 360 assessments and know that I'm more than capable of doing this job well and that I deserve better. Still, it feels like I'm starting to lose it and internalize everything that has been going on.

What makes the whole thing interesting is that I was hired into the company by one of the founders who I had known for years but I don't feel like I can talk to them anymore because their life is pretty chaotic both at work (as the company has tripled in size in less than a year) and at home.

Anyway, I think I'm looking for ways to manage the situation and would appreciate any insights that anyone who has experienced similar challenges picked up along the way. Thanks all.

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