
Plumbing industry…

Can anyone relate? This industry is run by slimy salesman and scumbags. Not uncommon for me to see dudes with less than a years experience being told to show up to someone’s house. Not uncommon to sit in sales meetings where we are expected to offer services upwards of 15k for the customer even for a “clogged toilet” call. Not uncommon for me to hear, “man, we just need more guys!” Followed by bullying and eventually firing someone (or they quit) for not working a Saturday. Or because boss has no social skills and makes way more enemies than friends. Drug addictions, alcohol abuse common. How about have some social skills and work around everyone’s schedules? How about look into technical training? These people are walking money bags just get along with them and give some leeway. The industry is so profitable these guys can get away with making massive…

Can anyone relate? This industry is run by slimy salesman and scumbags. Not uncommon for me to see dudes with less than a years experience being told to show up to someone’s house. Not uncommon to sit in sales meetings where we are expected to offer services upwards of 15k for the customer even for a “clogged toilet” call.
Not uncommon for me to hear, “man, we just need more guys!” Followed by bullying and eventually firing someone (or they quit) for not working a Saturday. Or because boss has no social skills and makes way more enemies than friends.
Drug addictions, alcohol abuse common.
How about have some social skills and work around everyone’s schedules? How about look into technical training? These people are walking money bags just get along with them and give some leeway. The industry is so profitable these guys can get away with making massive business mistakes.
For gods sake I could poach every single Guatemalan I’ve met from these companies by offering a fraction of what they are worth. I’ve never asked out of embarrassment but some of the master plumber level guys I’ve heard whispers of making less than 20 an hour.
My most recent boss threw a genuine temper tantrum, throwing things and screaming like a child.
Now I’m 5 years into this industry and feel stuck. What’s next? Insane debt on an education? Work for a mega corp? I’m at a complete loss like many others I’m sure.

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