
I cried at work today

I am a 21 year old supermarket employee, and I have autism. I suck at maths therefore I’m not able to go to college ever. I just have a high school diploma. Today at work, my coworker made me cry. We sell smoothies, that we make ourselves and we keep them thresh in a bunch of ice cubes. We have often been told that we don’t put the smoothies in “enough” ice cubes, and today, I broke. A coworker, who is very meddlesome told us again that we put the smoothies in “too few” ice cubes. He doesn’t even work at the specific department I work at. He just came by and told us that, for the 50th time this week. I tried to tell him he should mind his own business, but he stood by his point. I got angry at him, and it made me cry. It it…

I am a 21 year old supermarket employee, and I have autism. I suck at maths therefore I’m not able to go to college ever.

I just have a high school diploma. Today at work, my coworker made me cry. We sell smoothies, that we make ourselves and we keep them thresh in a bunch of ice cubes. We have often been told that we don’t put the smoothies in “enough” ice cubes, and today, I broke. A coworker, who is very meddlesome told us again that we put the smoothies in “too few” ice cubes. He doesn’t even work at the specific department I work at. He just came by and told us that, for the 50th time this week. I tried to tell him he should mind his own business, but he stood by his point. I got angry at him, and it made me cry.

It it wasn’t just this incident that made me cry though, it was all those times that he told us this. It all came down on me all at once, and now I’m considering quitting my job altogether.

The problem with this is that I can’t do anything else. I can’t go to college and I cannot easily get another job somewhere else. I’m stuck with this busybody until he decides he has taunted me enough or until he has finished his college. I tried talking to him, but even with my manager present, he won’t listen. Worse yet: my manager came up for him, even though my manager has dealt with him before and told him before he should mind his own business, on other issues.

I have run out of ideas on what to do or how to deal with this situation. Should I quit? And if so, what are some other jobs I can take? I can mostly just work at supermarkets or other stores

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