
Convince me not to quit, please.

I have a family counting on me and no backup job, but I’m just irrationally enraged right now. I’m working for a company, have been for 5 years, where I am the office manager (I handle supply, maintenance, cleaning service, answering phones, generally being here), IT helpdesk and coordinator (handled almost all helpdesk inquiries and coordinated a managed services company to take care of things I don’t have the capability to do), Salesforce administrator, HR and Accounting assistance (our HR is from our overseas parent company), insurance, assisting with life setup for our expats (finding housing situations, setting up utilities, etc), in-house samples and shipments, monthly meeting administration, basically Admin+++. I’ve been pushing for a raise since year 2, but other than a $4k bump when I took on all the IT, it’s been nothing. I’ve been burned out for about a year but keep plugging on. Today, all of…

I have a family counting on me and no backup job, but I’m just irrationally enraged right now.

I’m working for a company, have been for 5 years, where I am the office manager (I handle supply, maintenance, cleaning service, answering phones, generally being here), IT helpdesk and coordinator (handled almost all helpdesk inquiries and coordinated a managed services company to take care of things I don’t have the capability to do), Salesforce administrator, HR and Accounting assistance (our HR is from our overseas parent company), insurance, assisting with life setup for our expats (finding housing situations, setting up utilities, etc), in-house samples and shipments, monthly meeting administration, basically Admin+++. I’ve been pushing for a raise since year 2, but other than a $4k bump when I took on all the IT, it’s been nothing.

I’ve been burned out for about a year but keep plugging on.

Today, all of my expense reports (you know, the office utilities, the lunches the sales managers asked me to arrange, the supplies the lab guys requested I order on Amazon, a usb keyboard for a new hire) got kicked back because I didn’t apply for the expenses previously on a separate permissions database.

I get that this is the rule (pretty recent) but it seems foolish – get the request, submit formal request to manager on database, wait for approval, make the purchase, report with expense report – when it applies to this kind of supply?? I got reprimanded for not applying for the emergency plumber we got when the womens toilet broke (because the guys use it for their “big business deals.”)

I’ve had it.

I so dearly want to just “fuck you; I quit” but I have nothing to fall back on and two small kids and an artist husband.

All I can really do is fume and apply for jobs, but I wear so many hats that most jobs only focus on ONE part of my job and pay about half of what I need.
I don’t even know what an appropriate salary range is for me anymore.

Will someone please help me and talk some sense into me?

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