
At the point where I just don’t care about “company bbqs” and “team building exercises”

Anyone else reach a point at there jobs where you basically do exactly what's needed, and nothing else? So going to BBQs, no team events or any of that bullshit? Thankfully I have understanding supervisors and managers, but hopefully I am not an asshole for basically telling them to their face that I just don't care anymore. I dunno, maybe it's a depression thing or the early wake ups are getting to me. I should also mention that twice when they have BBQs or free food they have ended up giving me some food poisoning, I believe.

Anyone else reach a point at there jobs where you basically do exactly what's needed, and nothing else? So going to BBQs, no team events or any of that bullshit? Thankfully I have understanding supervisors and managers, but hopefully I am not an asshole for basically telling them to their face that I just don't care anymore. I dunno, maybe it's a depression thing or the early wake ups are getting to me. I should also mention that twice when they have BBQs or free food they have ended up giving me some food poisoning, I believe.

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