
Just fell victim to the “fire at will” law.

I live in VA, USA. Employers, by law, are allowed to fire any employee at any time for any reason. Today I walked into work on time and ready to do my job, and was pulled aside to “talk about performance” with a manager and the HR lady. They pretty much fired me on the spot, saying I “wasn’t a good fit”. There were no warning signs, no real elaboration on why. Had just been praised the day before on how great of a team we all made and how smoothly we ran a busy day. The only reason that was shared with me was that I had to be reminded too many times of too many things (I haven’t even completed my training yet). I was really starting to get the hang of things, I showed so much initiative every day, always asking questions and learning, always jumping in…

I live in VA, USA. Employers, by law, are allowed to fire any employee at any time for any reason. Today I walked into work on time and ready to do my job, and was pulled aside to “talk about performance” with a manager and the HR lady.

They pretty much fired me on the spot, saying I “wasn’t a good fit”. There were no warning signs, no real elaboration on why. Had just been praised the day before on how great of a team we all made and how smoothly we ran a busy day. The only reason that was shared with me was that I had to be reminded too many times of too many things (I haven’t even completed my training yet).

I was really starting to get the hang of things, I showed so much initiative every day, always asking questions and learning, always jumping in and just working my ass off. I have ADHD, and I’m not currently medicated for it, so I have to do my absolute best to try and remember everything and it’s a lot more difficult than I imagine it would be for the typical employee (especially when there’s 100 tasks to do at once). I generally don’t tell my employers this bc I don’t want them to see it as an excuse.

The manager that sat me down this morning looked like she was about to cry. I could tell she was genuinely upset about having this conversation and I don’t think it was her decision. I am suspicious that the GM just didn’t like me or wasn’t patient enough to deal with me.

So, now I’m unemployed again. I was SO EXCITED about this opportunity bc they were willing to give me the set schedule I needed every week and I finally had some stability for the first time in a long time. Now I’m back to square one. This isn’t fair. Not everyone settles at the same pace.

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