
I just don’t care anymore

I’ve worked in call centers regularly since I was 19, and I’m now 32. When I accepted my first job at a call center, it was really good pay for the area at the time and I thought this is a good place to be. Within 6 months I got promoted to sales, and got fired a month and a half later for not meeting sales goals. Found out about a month after that, they screen calls and intentionally gave me calls that wouldn’t be sales. I moved on from that and worked for banks, VoIP companies, cell phone companies, basically everything you can imagine, and the mantra of call centers has always been and will always be “It’s a revolving door”. I finally got out of the call center cycle in 2019, where I was staging routers and switches for businesses and I enjoyed it, until Covid hit and…

I’ve worked in call centers regularly since I was 19, and I’m now 32.

When I accepted my first job at a call center, it was really good pay for the area at the time and I thought this is a good place to be. Within 6 months I got promoted to sales, and got fired a month and a half later for not meeting sales goals. Found out about a month after that, they screen calls and intentionally gave me calls that wouldn’t be sales.

I moved on from that and worked for banks, VoIP companies, cell phone companies, basically everything you can imagine, and the mantra of call centers has always been and will always be “It’s a revolving door”.

I finally got out of the call center cycle in 2019, where I was staging routers and switches for businesses and I enjoyed it, until Covid hit and they shut down. Afterwards I decided hey I can go back to call centers and do the whole work at home thing.

I started at a call center, work from home, in October of last year. Was absolutely top stats and they moved me into a dead end position where I did the previous work I did and extra, with no extra benefits, that was an “unpromotable position” but I should “feel proud for being absolutely vital to the company”.

I left after getting a job with a different call center, where the management was so abusive that while asking a question a team lead told me I didn’t know my job, I asked them not to speak to me that way please and they said, “I’m a supervisor can talk to you however the hell I want.”, and that was the end of me working there.

Finally I got to where I am now. Everything is going great, great stats, everyone seems nice, and there’s tons of opportunity.

I find out they have a rule of you can’t be promoted for 6 months after starting. Dumb but I kind of understand? Then they open external positions for team leads and supervisors that I can’t even apply to but someone not in the company can, and I can quit and apply but wouldn’t be considered because I didn’t stay 6 months?

Then I have QA’s come in. All good, all good, and then the current QA person is marking me down for things that I’m doing on the call, but they don’t think it’s good enough. We don’t have any way that we can fight them, we just have to take them, and they literally gave me two QA’s where I do exactly what I was told in the first one, and I get marked down for doing that in the second.

I’m just so absolutely done with this cycle, I have over a decade of experience in call centers in QA, Training, Supervising, Workforce Management, technical support, customer service, you name it, and I fucking hate it.

I started TheOdinProject and I’m trying to learn programming in my free time but fuck I’m just so done right now

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