
The answer: Pay off student debts

The question: How might the wealthy who run our nation's banks and lenders (who provide such services as college loans, for example) get America's taxpayers to pay them almost $1 trillion dollars? And it's gotta happen soon, before inflation gets any worse. And it needs to be wrapped in a package that gets popular political support. Any creative ideas? Note: I'm not opposed to forgiving student debt. Just commenting on who benefits the most here.

The question: How might the wealthy who run our nation's banks and lenders (who provide such services as college loans, for example) get America's taxpayers to pay them almost $1 trillion dollars? And it's gotta happen soon, before inflation gets any worse. And it needs to be wrapped in a package that gets popular political support. Any creative ideas?

Note: I'm not opposed to forgiving student debt. Just commenting on who benefits the most here.

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