
Got promoted at Publix to Customer Service Desk. Found out I don’t make more money.

For anyone who doesn’t know, Publix is a grocery store in the southeast. I went from cashier to customer service staff. I am legit auditing lottery tickets which is quite complicated for someone like me who has a math disability, doing money orders, paying off peoples bills, western Union, and don’t forget normal stuff like customers problems, phone calls every 5 seconds and returning items and REGULAR cashiering. It’s so stressful that I got hives from it. I did it just to see if I could do it and if I liked it. I don’t. Found out I have to be there for “a while” before I make another dollar. 1 dollar more. So I’m legit stressing myself out for no reason when other people are just scanning items and making the same amount. I’m going to turn the customer service role down. Might look bad but why be promoted…

For anyone who doesn’t know, Publix is a grocery store in the southeast. I went from cashier to customer service staff. I am legit auditing lottery tickets which is quite complicated for someone like me who has a math disability, doing money orders, paying off peoples bills, western Union, and don’t forget normal stuff like customers problems, phone calls every 5 seconds and returning items and REGULAR cashiering. It’s so stressful that I got hives from it.

I did it just to see if I could do it and if I liked it. I don’t. Found out I have to be there for “a while” before I make another dollar. 1 dollar more. So I’m legit stressing myself out for no reason when other people are just scanning items and making the same amount.

I’m going to turn the customer service role down. Might look bad but why be promoted doing more work when I’m not making more? And Publix wonders why it’s losing its clout and went way down on Forbes this year. You can’t promote people and not pay them more, that’s not how it works!

Then I get “BuT iTs ExPeRieNcE!”…. I HAVE office experience already. I’m no kid. I just needed money for the rent until my lease is up and eventually I’m going to go back to a regular office job. I already worked the customer service the last few weeks, I got the experience and I can say I did that if I need to on my resume. It’s still the fact that you don’t promote people, make them do LOADS of work and then say “lol yeah you get paid the same as the cashiers! But thanks for the help!!!!!!”

Go fuck yourself Publix.

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