
co-worker illegally filmed us at work

There's this 50-something year old man working at this resort I work at. We're a very small but close team of in total 9 workers. One of them is a 50 year old technician, who is the only one who knows everything. He's also batshit crazy. In the first week of my arrival, he spread lies about me that I wasn't at my workplace and just hanging around my other co-workers, but also that I had some important things around my house that weren't supposed to be there. Luckily two girls stood up for me and confirmed it wasn't true, as the documents were there and I was, in fact, not at the reception where my co-workers were. Fast forward about 5 weeks, and the girl comes up to me and tells me that the other girl found out the 50 year old man had been filming us while we…

There's this 50-something year old man working at this resort I work at. We're a very small but close team of in total 9 workers. One of them is a 50 year old technician, who is the only one who knows everything. He's also batshit crazy. In the first week of my arrival, he spread lies about me that I wasn't at my workplace and just hanging around my other co-workers, but also that I had some important things around my house that weren't supposed to be there. Luckily two girls stood up for me and confirmed it wasn't true, as the documents were there and I was, in fact, not at the reception where my co-workers were.

Fast forward about 5 weeks, and the girl comes up to me and tells me that the other girl found out the 50 year old man had been filming us while we didn't know. It was pointed at the door, which has a big window in it, which means the camera goes inside and records everything. He does this to go complain about the girls to the manager and the owner of the resort. Girl 2 got extremely mad when she saw the camera and went to the manager, who in turn went to speak to the creepy 50 year old and told him off.

TLDR: creepy co-worker lost his marbles and likes spreading lies and telling on co-workers while acting sweet to us.

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