
It’s so weird to hear automation treated as a threat

Whenever there's any discussion about wage increases, conservative and libertarian types always say “You'll automate yourself out of a job.” But I thought that was always the point? We automate as much production as possible so that we can all have easier lives and produce what we need without toil? But because of the shitty way we've organized ownership and distribution of profits, automation threatens jobs in a way that threatens lives. How did anyone think this was a good idea?

Whenever there's any discussion about wage increases, conservative and libertarian types always say “You'll automate yourself out of a job.” But I thought that was always the point? We automate as much production as possible so that we can all have easier lives and produce what we need without toil? But because of the shitty way we've organized ownership and distribution of profits, automation threatens jobs in a way that threatens lives. How did anyone think this was a good idea?

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