
Lack of communication and Transparency cost me dearly.

So, I’ve worked at my job for 3 years. It’s a decent job, pays okay for the area I live in. Benefits used to be great. They are still decent but they cost us when they used to be employer paid. But anyway, Wednesday I got called into the office. They wanted to discuss my attendance. For clarity we are allowed 5 points or missed days before our job is in jeopardy, after 3 points, we aren’t eligible to be moved from our position. I was told I had 6 points. I was like, I don’t think so. I missed three days in December of 2021, and had zero unexcused absences since. I was told I missed 3 days in May. I did, I was hospitalized. I had a doctor’s note, which made the absences excused. They told me that because I was hospitalized , I was required to apply…

So, I’ve worked at my job for 3 years. It’s a decent job, pays okay for the area I live in. Benefits used to be great. They are still decent but they cost us when they used to be employer paid.

But anyway, Wednesday I got called into the office. They wanted to discuss my attendance. For clarity we are allowed 5 points or missed days before our job is in jeopardy, after 3 points, we aren’t eligible to be moved from our position.

I was told I had 6 points. I was like, I don’t think so. I missed three days in December of 2021, and had zero unexcused absences since. I was told I missed 3 days in May. I did, I was hospitalized. I had a doctor’s note, which made the absences excused.

They told me that because I was hospitalized , I was required to apply for FMLA and short term leave. I had to wait for their decision to cover me or not, and if they declined, then my doctor’s note would suffice.

So, until that’s settled, I have six points.

Here’s the bitch of it.

I’ve been applying for first shift jobs, because I believed I was eligible. Haven’t gotten them because of the points. Being on second shift, that was the main reason the family court judge didn’t grant me shared parenting in my divorce.

Also, this was communicated to me this week. Then end of august. From absences from the beginning of may.

Sorry for the confusion and bad Grammar. I’m just livid and needed to vent.

Also, the bastards told me I had to go discuss the leave with HR on my own time.

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