
A classic stitch-up.

So about 2.5 months ago, I started a new job managing a small fast food franchise here in Queensland, Australia. The owner (who I knew in passing from a previous job) offered me a gig managing a restaurant of theirs. Now when I say offered, I mean all but begged me to. She saw me as I left a trial shift at a restaurant, asked me what they would be paying me ($35/hr) and offered me 52 an hour on a full time contract. That works out to over 100k before tax. Fuck yeah. This is where the red flags start appearing, but for 52 an hour and sick pay AND holidays? I can forgive a lot. First red flag appears when they send me through my first (and only contract). The contract I get sent through is a casual one for the Fast Food level 1 rate. That's like…

So about 2.5 months ago, I started a new job managing a small fast food franchise here in Queensland, Australia. The owner (who I knew in passing from a previous job) offered me a gig managing a restaurant of theirs. Now when I say offered, I mean all but begged me to. She saw me as I left a trial shift at a restaurant, asked me what they would be paying me ($35/hr) and offered me 52 an hour on a full time contract. That works out to over 100k before tax. Fuck yeah.

This is where the red flags start appearing, but for 52 an hour and sick pay AND holidays? I can forgive a lot.

First red flag appears when they send me through my first (and only contract). The contract I get sent through is a casual one for the Fast Food level 1 rate. That's like 16/hr. I call them up and they say that the contract should be level 3, but that I'm going to be on a casual rate until my training is done in two weeks. Okay, I'm on guard now, but hey in a fortnight I'll be on $52 an hour and sitting pretty. Cool.

Second red flag appears when barely 5 days into the training, I get a phonecall asking me to jump in and take over managing a different, but admittedly more conveniently located store because they've had to let the manager of that store go for being inappropriate to the highscoolers that work there (and that I would later learn make up the entire workforce). Okay, jump in. Sink or swim, but this is what I'm meant to be doing anyway, so whatever.

Third red flag appears when I get my second paycheck, more than a month in at this point. Keep in mind I haven't received or signed a full time contract as of yet. Anyway, this paycheck is … Light. To the tune of almost exactly half. I'm on the phone, asking what the go is, and apparently, I 'misheard' and the offer wasn't for $52 an hour it was for 52k a year.

Okay, I'm raging because this is a massive fucking waste of my time. I could have been comfortably slinging beers and making tasty cocktails for 62k a year + tips and this motherfucker has wasted so much of my time and energy. The counteroffer I get? They match 62k but I have to then manage the other venue as well. Fuuuuuuuuuuck that.

Two weeks notice, go in every day and completely fucking half-ass everything. Meant to be going in tonight for my final shift but fuck that noise.

There are more shitty little details too but this is all I can think of off the top of my head.

Fuck 'small businesses ' that can only exist by exploiting people.

So angry.

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