
I never though I’d someday post here. But here we are. Need advice on what could possibly be wage theft

I’m a manager for a relatively popular establishment with about 20 other locations. Still , owner considers it “small business“ and she uses this as an excuse to not pay competitive wages. As I was doing payroll for my team to get their paychecks, I know I had done about 6 premium pays and some other team members have gotten premium pays as well. Premium pay here in California is when you are unable to take your lunch (30min unpaid) for any reason so by law, company has to pay you 1hr of your pay rate. I got my paystub today and I noticed my 6 premium pays for deleted and I can see from our timekeeping software that my team’s premium pay has been deleted as well. Deletion can be done my accountant who works directly with owner. It sucks because we get busy that sometimes we are unable…

I’m a manager for a relatively popular establishment with about 20 other locations. Still , owner considers it “small business“ and she uses this as an excuse to not pay competitive wages. As I was doing payroll for my team to get their paychecks, I know I had done about 6 premium pays and some other team members have gotten premium pays as well. Premium pay here in California is when you are unable to take your lunch (30min unpaid) for any reason so by law, company has to pay you 1hr of your pay rate. I got my paystub today and I noticed my 6 premium pays for deleted and I can see from our timekeeping software that my team’s premium pay has been deleted as well. Deletion can be done my accountant who works directly with owner. It sucks because we get busy that sometimes we are unable to take our lunches and we rarely get a chance to take our 10min breaks. I feel horrible for my team because they’re the ones sweating and grinding it up

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